Fight for your story.

What People Are Saying


Mary’s feedback on my fight scenes was crucial before I turned my manuscript in to my agent.


Mary was incredibly thorough, and their turnover for my fight scenes was less than 24 hours! It was exactly what I needed.



Mary helped shape a fight scene in my most recent manuscript! I was totally stuck and Mary’s feedback made the scene shine—my agent was totally pulled in when she read it.


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Fight Scene Critiques include a pass through the scene with both developmental and line notes, a summary of ways to incorporate realistic fight scenes & specific techniques with descriptions.

Developmental Edits will include a 2-3 page edit letter covering character arc, plot, structure, and any other developmental notes (including encouraging notes, as I know how hard it can be to receive feedback).

Line edits will include in-line comments on grammar, filler words, and prose.

Chat with me

Reach out here, DM me on twitter (@maryeroach_), or e-mail me at